Women's Strengthening & Listening Skills Training


More Women’s from Kavata, Moli and Wagina were grateful to participated and have the opportunity to attend the Women’s Strengthening and Communications listening Skills Training Program.


womens_participants_kavata womens_participants_wagina
Kavata women's groups during discission Wagina women's group
Daddies with youths Daddies with during reflection

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Women’s & Youth literacy Seminar, Wagina parish



35 participants representing their parish (Wagina, Moli, Sirovanga, Nila, Gizo and Noro) have completed a 5 days seminar from 10th to 14th May at Wagina Parish Cookson. Mostly are females and some of them are youths and kindergarten teachers.

The Seminar mainly was to teach participants on sounding of the letters and constructing words out from those soundings.

However, as it was a Pidgin spoken seminar and many words are spelled in Pidgin rather than English. During the seminar they were put in groups for – practicing teacher teaching the class.

The Program was facilitated by Sr. Evangeline DMI from Diocese of Auki with the help of Janet Burabura.

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A Mother Encourages, a small work rather than Appreciation.

A mother in her 60's asked people around every parish to support diocese projects. She said it is time to reflect back the past how our people involved helping our first missionaries to build the Diocese of Gizo.

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A mother wish not to mention her name said that she is tired to hear people appreciated what the bishop and those benefactors did by establishing school here in our diocese. She said that appreciation is enough to keep us going, but let show our appreciation by involving helping the workers by giving them a support such as getting gravel and sand or timber to the project sites without being paid.

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Diocese of Gizo in the Solomon Islands
Women's Groups

There are a number of strong women's groups in the Diocese. Here we see representatives from Gizo and surrounding islands setting off for a Diocesan Women's Rally which was held in Nila, Shortland Islands at the end of 2003. The M.V Ozama Toomey (shown here) was chartered for the event.

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Last change: Feb. 11, 2005 at 15:40

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Women’s Rally 2009 Diocese of Gizo






More than 250 Mothers from the Catholic diocese of Gizo were involved in the week Rally at St. Dominic Vanga Rural Training Center from 2nd - 7th December 2009. The Rally commenced with the colorful parade.


The theme, "We United to Serve Our Diocese" really a challenging theme which Bishop Luciano Capelli's presentation on "Dynamic Fedility" , reminded every mothers the 50 years the Diocese went through.

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