Women’s Rally 2009 Diocese of Gizo
More than 250 Mothers from the Catholic diocese of Gizo were involved in the week Rally at St. Dominic Vanga Rural Training Center from 2nd - 7th December 2009. The Rally commenced with the colorful parade.
The theme, "We United to Serve Our Diocese" really a challenging theme which Bishop Luciano Capelli's presentation on "Dynamic Fedility" , reminded every mothers the 50 years the Diocese went through.
Bishop enouraged every mothers to serve the Diocsese. In his Homily during the opening Mass he also encouraged mothers to live life to its fullest as mothers for the diocese by observing the 7 vurtues of Mary the Mother of Jesus. The Sessions included speakers from religious Sisters, Fathers and staff facilitators. The mothers have the privileged to give contributions, encouragements and suggestions, recommendations and giving questions.
Mrs. Cecilia mother from Wagina parish said, "Our role should be tolerated rather than ignored by the elders in our community. We are not only for cooking and give comfort to husband. Why not, a program for Father's".
Mrs Francis from Gizo Parish Contributed, saying, "to get us away from these artificial mothods we need to run our own clinics, many clinics are run by the province and we cannot stop this, but as it is available and other fathers are still encouraging their wife to use contraceptions". Mrs. Magaret from Ringi Cove said, "it is greatly touch when mothers knew more on the moral teaching of the church on Contraceptive. We can follow the moral teaching of the church, there is no reason to excused, but we what reliable husband"
The presentations gave confident to some mothers to stand and present their findings to 250 mothers including their visiting friends. During the last day of the Rally a thanksgiving Eucharist Mass was celebrated were Fr. Stevin Kamoa OP gave his encougment saying that "it is not a closing program but a mission to be carry out to fulfil your vision".
The program was coordinated by Janet Burabura, Diocesan Women's Coordinator.