
Diocese of Gizo in the Solomon Islands
Women's Groups

There are a number of strong women's groups in the Diocese. Here we see representatives from Gizo and surrounding islands setting off for a Diocesan Women's Rally which was held in Nila, Shortland Islands at the end of 2003. The M.V Ozama Toomey (shown here) was chartered for the event.

ozama.jpg (43.7kb)

Last change: Feb. 11, 2005 at 15:40

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Women’s Rally 2009 Diocese of Gizo






More than 250 Mothers from the Catholic diocese of Gizo were involved in the week Rally at St. Dominic Vanga Rural Training Center from 2nd - 7th December 2009. The Rally commenced with the colorful parade.


The theme, "We United to Serve Our Diocese" really a challenging theme which Bishop Luciano Capelli's presentation on "Dynamic Fedility" , reminded every mothers the 50 years the Diocese went through.

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