
ND Womens Rally has Successful End

The Northern Deanery women Rally has successfully come to an end at Pirakamae St. Dominic Parish Sirovanga, Northwest Choiseul.

Women rally includes women from St. Dominic Sirovanga, Christ the King Voruvoru, St. Don Bosco Taro, St. Joseph Moli and including other observers. Also include are fathers, youths who gave their support in the preparation and co_coordinating the activities.

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A colorful and well prepared rally that includes parades, pilgrimage to Ririani where the fist priest (Fr. Forest SM) to visit Choiseul and planted the Cross in 1903, Thanksgiving Mass, presentation, demonstration, and awareness talks which focuses the virtues of Mother Mary.

Last year 13th to 15th August 2019 women from the Southern Deanery; which includes Wagina, Noro and Gizo parish have celebrated their Rally at Vanga training center, that lead up to the Northern deanery women to have theirs which commenced on the 13th to 15th August last weekend.

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A propose Womens Rally for the Dioces of Gizo is coming up for 2022 next year that will be in Wagina parish Choiseul; that will be propose again on Assumption Day 13 to 15th of August.

ND women attended the rally also convey their congratulation to the women of Nila parish who are celebrating theirs at Nila.


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