
IMG 5078
Gizo Town Witness the Condemnation of Brutal Killing.
A Protesting Marches here in Gizo Township, Monday 6 December 2021. Time 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Slogans during the protest marches to condemn the brutal killing of a 7-year-old girl were highlighted calling the nation to do more to prevent another happening.

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IMG 5078
Gizo Town Witness the Condemnation of Brutal Killing.
A Protesting Marches here in Gizo Township, Monday 6 December 2021. Time 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Slogans during the protest marches to condemn the brutal killing of a 7-year-old girl were highlighted calling the nation to do more to prevent another happening.

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Peace and Justice Workshop End Successfully at Moli

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The Catholic Diocese of Gizo, Western Province held a workshop on Peace and Justice at Moli pastoral center, Choiseul province from 15th to 19th November 2021.

The workshop was facilitated by Fr. Henry Paroi op. an anthropologist by profession and was attended by parish representatives of Voruvoru, Sirovanga, Taro, and Moli altogether the participants were 33 including the diocesan pastoral team that came from Gizo.

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St. Peter Parish Gizo Celebrate Feast of Assumption

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Sunday 15th of August Bible readings for the feast of Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary highlights Fr. Lawrence Kimaere’s homily to the parishioners.

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Moli SCC leaders equip up while others are yet to gear up.

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After a day of leaders training on 27 August, Moli Small Christian Community (SCC) has a plan to implement the SCC program of its activities in its parish.

12 leaders were trained as facilitators, animators, and recorders; purposely to equip them with their knowledge and skills to carry out their roles and responsibilities to facilitate, animate and record the members of their small Christian community.

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Toumoa Go for the Healing

Feeling grateful Toumoa after the novena prayer of the children to Divine Mercy for the healing of the world...

.... our life has its strength in the power of God's love who has bestowed us His divine life, meaning and purpose.

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More on Diamond Jubilee

The Catholic Diocese of Gizo celebrated its birthday 60th Diamond Jubilee. The diamond jubilee of the diocese started from the episcopal ordination of Bishop Eusebius Crawford in Rome May 1960, who ordained for the diocese of Gizo.
          The Dominican Order gave birth and bursed the diocese for the last 47 years 1960 to 2007. for the last 13 years, the  has been assigned to the care of the Salesian; Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb after the earthquake and devastating tsunami and the recovery period.

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Moli parish; warriors ready to welcome the Candle & Cross                 Nila parish; pan pipers escorting the Candle and the Cross 

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Diocese of Gizo Celebrate Diamond Jubilee

Lately in the Diocese of Gizo, after the priest meeting that took place
 on the second week of March 2021, Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb intiates the celebration of the Diocesan Diamond Jubilee.
The main event highlighting this celebration is the pilgrimage of the Cross and the Jubilee Candle that goes around to all the 8 parishes.

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A processing match to the Chapel after the arrival of the Candle and Cross, Wagina Parish                                           Voruvoru parish, a processing match after the arrival, Candle and Cross

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