2021 YE Weekend Complete at St. Eugebius Noro 


This year Youth Encounters (YE) Seminar for the Catholic youths in the Diocese of Gizo has finally come to its completion last weekend 10 October.

The annual program that commenced on July with the facilitators training at Noro and now the YE seminars, took 5 weekends from the month of August until October.

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ND Womens Rally has Successful End

The Northern Deanery women Rally has successfully come to an end at Pirakamae St. Dominic Parish Sirovanga, Northwest Choiseul.

Women rally includes women from St. Dominic Sirovanga, Christ the King Voruvoru, St. Don Bosco Taro, St. Joseph Moli and including other observers. Also include are fathers, youths who gave their support in the preparation and co_coordinating the activities.

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Celebrate Requiem Mass Nusabaruku. 


On Saturday 14th of August, the community in Nusabaruka along with the Nuns of the Society of the Visitation, and with Fr Soloko celebrated the Requiem Mass at Nusabaruku. 

The foundress of of the society, Mother, Vincenza, was laid to rest at the society's sanctuary in Italy.

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Nusabaruku Target Fundraising Successful at the  end of July. 

An ongoing fundraising drive has successful at the end of  July last month with the money raised up to more than $16,000.00 at Nusabaruku. Under the umbrella of Gizo parish; Nusabaruku Catholic community had to pull up its socks and started paying off the dues as required by all Catholic community zones, in and around Gizo parish.

smart      smart

Nusabaruku Catholic community being one of the zones that make up the Gizo parish community would need to pay an annual contribution of $7,000.00.

This in mind, including other commitment for our Catholic community in Nusabaruku the church and missionaries – the community split into 3 groups, having their own leaders, to do fundraisings through the month – and the outcome of their fundraise efforts to be publicly announced at the end of the month. With the little drama, this to show appreciation to the team that raised the highest funds.

I hope that this would ignite a spirit of competiveness, and thus boost morale in fundraising.

Fundraising includes contributions, Bobo night, card games, and sales of cooked and uncooked foods throughout the month.

Next day, the new month that was on Sunday 1 August after the Holy Mass celebration, the fundraising committee announced the wining group. The highest raised funds to be crowned, and have the privilege of first serve at the table.

Total raised was $16,913.00 and the group ranking as follows;

Group 3 (Anthony’s group) $7,381.00

Group 2 (Naou’s group) $5,020.00

Group 1 (Tomas’s group) $4,512.00

The committee has convey their sincerely thanks to the participating teams and more so to their friends and supporters for their generosity in help they rendered.

They said that their parish contribution could now be settle.


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Japanese Ambassy Handover New School Building to Catholic Church Gizo

His Excellency Yashuhi Horimoto the Ambassador of Japan to SI and Mrs Horimoto are the guest of honor for the handover of the 2 story building to Vanga RTC, Catholic Diocese of Gizo.

The handover ceremony on the 3rd June 2021 highlights speeches from different speakers who gave their wonderful speeches and appreciations to each other.

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Ambassador Yashuhi and Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb
officially opens the funded building.                      
                  Rt: The new Vanga 2 story funded building

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Vanga Teacher’s College 17 commencement exercises

8 your ladies and three young men graduated today Nov 6 from VTC. In 17 years of dedication the College has trained more than 200 instructors for our RTCs. They are a gift of the Gizo Catholic Diocese to the Solomon Islands society to support the country in its efforts of Rural development.


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St. John Bosco Nila, Shortland Nila 9th  School Graduation

Saint John Bosco School
in the Shortlands has graduated about 70 students in the ninth ceremony in its History.


  • The PRIMARY SCHOOL school was built at the very beginning of the station by the Marist Fathers missionaries from Bouganville and was later run by the Dominican sisters and given back to the government in ’78. It was taken back by the church immediately after the earthquake and tsunami of April 2, 2007

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Holy Door pilgrimage, Diocese of Gizo
If the people can’t go to the Holy Door, the Holy Door goes to the people.

The People of Christ the King Parish, Voruvoru conveyed their thanks to the Holy Father, Pope Francis for initiating the Jubilee year of Mercy. It is timely for those of them who lived in rather isolated places where visitation and other necessary services are lacking to the world outside of them. It has also helped to strengthen their local Catholic communities as well as building the relationship amongst them. The pilgrimage created solidarity in communities. They extended their sincere thanks to Most Rev. Bishop Luciano Capelli SDB of Gizo Diocese for his support by enabling the Holy Door to reach their shore and other parts in the Diocese. Also to the Diocesan Team of Pastoral Animation (DTPA) Led by the Episcopal Vicar General; Fr. Jacob Qetobatu for their hard work and dedication. They live in an unpredictable situation where at times they are unsure of their place in the country as well as in the Church. They know that access to their location is rather difficult, and this has contributed to a larger degree in isolating them from outside communication.

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