Preparation for WYD08
About 50 youths from our diocese gathered here in Gizo for world youth day preparation. The preparation was facilitated by Fr. Gerome Pelagio and was programmed by Joseph Lalaubatu, Br.Johnson and Sister Teresa. The program is for Spiritual preparation, it is a recollection activity mainly to discover their relationship between or within themselves.
Youths are selected from, Gizo, Noro, Kavata, Moli, Nila. And Wagina and Canaan who are expected to join the Group at Honiara. The youths left Gizo on Monday, the 30th June.
Gizo youths are among the sponsored youths from Australia especially many are sponsored by Lismore Diocese.
Gizo Diocese is preparing a WYD 2008 for youths at Home this September and we are expecting much interest information about the WYD Sydney from our youths.