
Youth Encounter Formation still Alive


This year [2011] the 4th to 6th March the first YE Formation program in Gizo had registered 22 young people chosen from few zones around Gizo parish.

 Originally the YE formation program is a program inherited from the Philippine and designed especially for the youth. Out of the three Catholic dioceses in the Solomon Islands Gizo Catholic Diocese was fortunate to get this YE formation program through the Filipino priest that were here previously.








In the past the facilitators of this formation program used to go around to other parishes in the diocese to give this YE formation program to our young people. This year we were taught to set an example to other parishes by starting this program in our own parish and make our parish to be a model for other parishes.

Most of the youth who attended this weekend YE formation program can read and write. Most of these youth show great interest in their discussions, trying to understand each of the questioned asked. Most of them responded well to this YE formation program, when they tried to understand each sessions and eager to share what they learned with others.

During the sessions they realized that many times in their lives they have been putting on masks, and they have been put down because people see them in the way they are.  However after attending this YE formation program they were satisfied to discover all their goodness’s, their strengths and the weaknesses they have.

The interaction of the youth during this YE formation program really allowed for the spirit of the youth encounter to come alive again. As they have shared they really experienced the spirit of youth encounter which is the spirit of openness care and trust for each other .The Atmosphere of reflection AND moments of silence during this YE formation program is really touching and moving. They said that it was a nice experience for them after many of them were taught on the simple ways on how to meditate and reflect on the talks that were given to them.


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