
St Peter's Vocational School Opens

St Peter's girls students with staffs St. Peter's Building- Kindy(below) & Vocational(upper)

The Catholic Diocese of Gizo has its privileged to begin classes for young girls around Gizo this 16th August 2010 here in St. Peters Cathedral Gizo.

 During the opening the students were welcomed and encouraged by the Diocesan staffs, Parish priest and Religious sisters.


They reminded them that God is very good for the gift of the school. “School never ends… it is an everyday process and this school is your privilege to learn something more important…..discover the gift and build up this opportunity. ”They also asked them to build resources them-self for their community and family or as individual.


The St. Peter’s Vocational School for girls may cater for 30 to 40 girls purposely to help them to become productive or preparing them to enter  upper standard. 18 girls were privileged to enroll for free classes for 3 months.


The class teacher said they will spend most of their time in basic home economics but they will include sessions like literacy, health, basic book keeping, Christian Education etc.

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