
Diocesan Pastoral Renewal & Spiritual of Communion Seminar


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THIRTY-EIGHT participants representing their parishes attended a one week Diocesan Pastoral Renewal & Spiritual of Communion Seminar from the 15th to 21st February in Gizo. The program includes lay pastoral workers from the diocese and parishes including the Bishop of Gizo, the parish priests and the Religious.




This was part of the Gizo Diocesan Pastoral Program adopted since 1995.


The program includes brief history of the Renewal of the Catholic Church which gave time for participants to look into the “Church in transition”; from Obedience Church (Pyramid church) to Participatory/Communitarian Church (Adopted now). With that participants came to identify some of their roles in the participatory church today.


On day two, they briefly went through what is Renewal Program of the Diocese which leads them to focusing on spiritual of Communion, the Spirituality of the church and the Trinitarian base.

In group discussions, participants looked more on the six values of Aspects of Communion.

On day 3, parishes have the privileged to hear reports from each parish, which gave them ideas of “Where are we now as a Diocese”.

This gave each parish to identify, where some of there failures lies.

One of the main activities is the identification of the main structure which may strengthen the parishes, their programs and activities.

With that, it took them to another day to identify who are the Parish Pastoral Counsel (PPC), the Pastoral Team of Animation (PTPA), and their roles as pastoral workers.


Regarding the structure, participants look more closely at the Diocesan Policy. Next day, participants work very hard preparing the Events & Retreats for this year. The week seminar covered the spirituality of the method used in the diocese and discussed ways and means to strengthen and improve the pastoral services and structures of parishes and the Diocese as a whole.

With that all participants understand the Pastoral plans and activities, become aware of what pastoral apostolate is needed, have an in-depth knowledge of the spirituality of communion of the program renewal, journey together in Unity, be able to better coordinate their working together in the pastoral apostolate and help for future planning of our Diocese Pastoral Plan.





The program was facilitated by Fr. Roger Purcell, Director Community Animator Services, and Movement of the Better World.










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