
Hey Dad Training Noro Successful End. 


Hey, Dad training was conducted at St. Eusebius Parish, from 20th to 22nd of August 2021 in Noro. It was a weekend workshop for Daddies of the Southern Deanery parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Gizo.

The pastoral team of the diocese facilitated this training with the help of Br. Vincent Ora OP and 20 daddies attended it. The main aim of this training was to help Daddies to understand and discover deeper their roles and responsibilities

The Hey dad training was an education-parenting program for Daddies. The Hey Dad program has called and challenged all Daddies for a greater parenting role for their children.

Men as husbands and fathers have a very important role in parenting their children that benefits the whole family.

Therefore, all daddies attended responded with a commitment to try to do their best in their families and to share what they have learned with other daddies and especially to assist the young daddies in their parish. This will help them to take up their roles as parents and daddies in the family.

At the end of the training, the participants were given materials, which they will use when they go back to their respective parishes organizing a similar training for the daddies in their own parish.

The Hey dad training ended with the Holy Mass on Sunday, which was celebrated by Fr. Francis Anil the assistant parish priest of St. Eusebius Parish Noro .

May I on behalf of the participants sincerely thank our Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb for his financial and moral support.

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