
Bishop Luciano Capelli SDB August Message

Bishop Luciano Capelli SDB August Message

Dear Gizo Diocese collaborators, benefactors, people of God,

In my last message I only remember the most important things, I forget all the rest

IMG 2850

What is the most important message I can leave you after these 24 years in the Solomons and 16 years in Gizo?

 I came to Gizo right after the earthquake and tsunami of 2007 and I could notice the hardships you endured having been so affected... I saw the sadness in your eyes for being victims of such a great disaster. It was easy for me to look for a motto for my episcopacy. I saw my mission as one of ‘encouraging’, inspiring’ supporting you in your sufferings. “Lift up your hearts”... If I could only help you to ‘lift up your hearts’ you would have managed your sad situation in a better way and it would be a big joy for me and my mission as your shepherd. No one can help people to lift up their hearts if he/she himself/herself is downhearted. The faithful of the Gizo Diocese needed to stand up around a specific mission first individually and then together in communion.

To lift up the heart of others we need “courage” and “enthusiasm” in our personal life. The word “courage” comes from the Latin word “cor”, the heart, the center of passion for life, and the word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek “En Theos” (with God) the motivating force of grace which supports all courage and all pastoral action.

  • The assumption of Mary which we are about to celebrate is a perfect example of courage and Enthusiasm. She put her personal plans aside and she said that YES to the dream of God for Humanity... which entailed her courage to defend that yes at the foot of the cross. Because of this, she was awarded her assumption into heaven, body, and Spirit.
  • My other model has been Don Bosco, the saint who inspired me to say my yes to His plan... till my last breath (his words)
  • By this passion in the heart with the motivation of God’s Grace I tried to make my life His gift to you. I saw your pain, I sat, planned, and dreamt with you, and we worked together with passion sustained by God’s grace in building His kingdom in our hearts... trying to be a model to our youth.
  • This communion of passion and motivation enabled us to put together some important projects for Education, Evangelization, and Health care for our people.  
  • As I end my commitment and pass on the Diocese to a young man from Guale allow me to invite you to give him the same support you have given me.
  • May our benefactors and volunteers continue to journey with us.
  • May the good Lord through His Mother and St John Bosco continue to give us COURAGE AND ENTHUSIASM and keep us united as we give priority to His kingdom. All the rest (including buildings and programs) are only logistics and technology
  • With my blessings and availability if still needed.

From + Luciano Capelli, sdb                                                                                                                               
For you a Bishop (for 16 years), with you a brother who loves you with a ‘solo’ heart made in Italy.

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